PM awaiting test results

Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley
Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley

PRIME Minister Dr Rowley was expected to receive results of his medical tests yesterday. This from his wife Sharon after she delivered the feature speaker at the Association of Female Executives of TT's Women of Influence awards and mentorship function at the Hyatt Regency, Port of Spain.

Speaking with Newsday, Mrs Rowley said all tests on her husband have been concluded and he was just awaiting the results. She said her husband was in good spirits and while she was not there with him physically, she has been in contact with him "nearly every minute of the day." She declined to say what specific tests were done.

"I know he would probably have a press conference when he returns and he will inform the entire nation about the state of his health. I'm not sure when he will be back, we'll just have to wait and see."

Rowley left for California on Carnival Tuesday to check on soft plaque which had been de­vel­op­ing in an artery. This was not­ed when he had a Prostate Specif­ic Anti­gen (PSA) check in Cal­i­for­nia in 2016. He changed his di­et and lifestyle.

A sec­ond test in 2017 showed the plaque was much big­ger and now at a stage where fur­ther med­ical at­ten­tion was required. On Feb­ru­ary 18, Row­ley’s lo­cal doc­tor in­di­cat­ed he had to im­me­di­ate­ly treat with the is­sue.



"PM awaiting test results"

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