Prayers for Rowley

CHAIRMAN of the Sangre Grande Regional Corporation Terry Rondon yesterday prayed for good health for Prime Minister Dr Rowley who arrived in California yesterday to undergo a series of medical tests.

Rondon held an interfaith service at the corporation where members from different faiths each offered a prayer for Rowley. They included Bro Noor Ishmael, lay minister Albert Seecharan of the St Francis Parish, Fr Erwin Tembo of St James the Just Anglican Church and Pastor Courtney Francois of the Seventh Day Adventist.

Rowley went overseas to check on soft plaque which has been developing in one artery. It was detected when he had a Prostate Specific Antigen check in 2016. A second test showed the plaque had gotten bigger and was now at a stage where it needed further medical attention.

Rondon prayed that Rowley would be given a clean bill of health. "Heavenly Father, we come before you today, standing in the gap for our brother. We ask, oh Lord, that you extend your hand of mercy toward. You know, oh Lord, that you are the greatest healer. Please send your healing angels to minister to him today. Let your precious blood flow through his entire body and bring healing," Rondon prayed.

Francois said the PM was embarking on a trip to be able to ensure that his health was at optimum. "We want all our leaders, on both sides, to be able to be in good health and strength to be able to serve us well. I pray as he goes for his medical examination coming out of it would be words of comfort.


"Lord, You said in John 3 that you wish above all things that we prosper and be in good health. We want to claim that promise upon him today." Seecharan called on the Holy Spirit to continue to lead and to guide Rowley and to "be present with him at every moment."


"Prayers for Rowley"

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