Police creating Diego junkyard
THE EDITOR: For at least three years or so, the West End Police Station has been using part of the Wendy Fitzwilliam Boulevard in Diamond Vale, Diego Martin, to park derelict vehicles since there appears to be no more space within the station’s compound to so.
About four such vehicles were usually parked across the street from the station; however, the police have now begun to park other wrecks on the opposite side of the street and nearer to the station.
The first set of vehicles presented an eyesore, but the residents appeared to have tolerated that situation. Now that a new set has been added, it is time to ask the Commissioner of Police to ensure these unsightly vehicles are removed from this residential area, otherwise pretty soon others might find themselves being placed in front of the residents’ homes.
It is unfair to residents and passers-by to see the junkyard that is being created.
Commissioner Gary Griffith wasted no time recently in ensuring that the grounds of the Police Barracks in St James was cleared of police wrecks, he should therefore ensure that the eyesore outside the West End Police Station is removed right away.
, Diego Martin
"Police creating Diego junkyard"