Cara Suites to run NAPA hotel, opening expected this year

Government has announced it is in an advanced stage of negotiations with Cara Suites as a preferred operator for the hotel at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA).
Energy Minister Franklin Khan made the announcement in Senate today.
Khan said, in May, 2018, Cabinet agreed the governance and management arrangements of NAPA should be placed under the remit of a single entity, the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts. Prior to that, the responsibility for NAPA was spread among different agencies.
He said the Ministry of Trade and Industry invited proposals from the private sector to operate the hotel wing of NAPA and a preferred hotel operator was selected.
Khan said negotiations with the preferred operator were in its final stages and, barring unforeseen circumstances, the hotel at Napa was expected to open for business later in 2019.
"Cara Suites to run NAPA hotel, opening expected this year"