Soldiers no longer eating 'macaroni pelau'


Soldiers who complained bitterly last year about being fed substandard meals now have reason to smile because of the improved quality of meals since late last year.

Senior Defence Force officers had admitted back then the slow releases of funds from the Ministry of Finance had contributed to the poor quality of meals, but Chief of Defence Staff Rear Admiral Hayden Pritchard promised every effort was being made to satisfy the soldiers' palates. Cooks in the ration rooms were ordered to be more innovative and to provide more balanced meals.

A sudden turnaround came about in mid-December when President Paula-Mae Weekes who is also Commander in Chief of the armed forces, called on the Chief of Defence Staff to ensure soldiers were served better food. In an address at Teteron Barracks, Chaguaramas on December 13 last year, she said she had been told soldiers were not receiving proper meals even though money was being deducted from their salaries for that purpose.


"Soldiers no longer eating ‘macaroni pelau’"

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