Panorama goes on despite lack of $$

Beverly Ramsey-Moore, Pan Trinbago president, was adamant that in spite of grumbling by a number of pan players at a special meeting on Sunday, and others on social media, that Panorama is definitely on this year.
She said: “There were some persons who came and expressed themselves, we are a democratic organisation and we allowed them to express themselves and ventilate their matters in a democratic manner. But at the end of the meeting we will have Panorama 2019.”
On the players’ remittance for 2018, she said they agreed as a membership to treat it as a debt to the players, but there was no agreement on when that debt will be paid.
Ramsey-Moore said when Pan Trinbago is in a position to do so, only then could it deal with that debt, as well as its other debts.
“We are going to work assiduously to ensure that 2019 will be the best Panorama ever. And based on a successful Panorama we will maximise on the profit and then we will be able to pay the players.”
She said some 105 of the 164 bands already registered for this year’s Panorama were represented at Sunday’s meeting at the CWU Hall in Port of Spain.
There are over 187 financial bands in the organisation.
Asked about talk by disgruntled members who are still reluctant to play for Panorama, Ramsey-Moore said at Sunday’s meeting some people were saying if they didn’t get their remittances there should be no Panorama, and they were trying to get support from other members present, but thecall for a Panorama boycott did not get any support.
She added: “So far the regions have not reported that there is any falling-off of bands for Panorama.
"Panorama goes on despite lack of $$"