Retrenched petrotrin workers stage protest

File photo: At center, President General of the OWTU Ancel Roget and supported by MSJ political leader Dabvid Abdulah, ATGWU President Nirvan Maharaj, Couva South MP Rudy Indarsingh, Point-a-Pierre MP Dr David Lee, COP political leader Carolyn Seepersad Bachan, PSA President Watson Duke and members of the OWTU during the OWTU and Petrotrin workers march which started at the Point-a-Pierre roundabout.
File photo: At center, President General of the OWTU Ancel Roget and supported by MSJ political leader Dabvid Abdulah, ATGWU President Nirvan Maharaj, Couva South MP Rudy Indarsingh, Point-a-Pierre MP Dr David Lee, COP political leader Carolyn Seepersad Bachan, PSA President Watson Duke and members of the OWTU during the OWTU and Petrotrin workers march which started at the Point-a-Pierre roundabout. PHOTO BY ANIL RAMPERSAD.

Scores of retrenched Petrotrin workers engaged in a peaceful, yet noisy demonstration in front of the gates leading to the Paria Fuel Trading Company, Pointe-a-Pierre today. The gates were previously known as the Bond gate and were used by road tank wagons for the distribution of fuel.

The workers are demanding to know when they would be paid their outstanding severance and back pay following Petrotrin’s closure on November 30.

Under a broiling mid-morning sun and under the watchful of eyes of both police and army personnel, the workers, most of whom wore the OWTU’s trademark blue t-shirts, marched in a giant circle in front of the gate while chanting: “we want we money…right now.”

Several workers carried blue and red OWTU flags while another man proudly waved a TT flag.

Several road tank wagons were seen waiting to exit the compound while several others were parked in strategic positions waiting their turn to enter the compound.


OWTU Pointe-a-Pierre branch president, Christopher Jackman said over 1,000 temporary/ casual workers had not received their severance or back pay following Petrotrin’s closure.

“Workers are very aggrieved because of the situation with the payments for back pay as well as severance. They were promised to be paid their outstanding payments by Friday, by the end of last week, and today, Monday when we came to find out about our business we were told that one- they have manpower challenges and two they are unable to tell us when they will be making that payment.”

“They are now facing Christmas without any income and without any employment so we saw it necessary today to make a demonstration until we get an answer about that outstanding payments.”


"Retrenched petrotrin workers stage protest"

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