Hosein: Make cellphones, emails public

OPPOSITION activist Devant Maharaj has been criticised by some yet praised by others for revealing the personal cell phone number of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and other senior Cabinet ministers.
In the midst of the ensuing brouhaha, Rural Development and Local Government Minister Kazim Hosein has advised Local Government representatives to make their cell phone numbers and email addresses public.
“Make yourself accessible to the people who put you in office," Hosein advised as he spoke yesterday at a forum called to reveal Projects, Plans and Proposal for Fiscal 2018/2019 at the San Fernando City Auditorium.
He said in this way, the people who voted councillors and aldermen into office can have a direct line to them if they have a concern or complaint. Hosein said councillors and aldermen should not avoid interacting with people who voted for them until they need their vote once again.
Hosein read the riot act to local representatives telling them that he has reports that some of them do not even go to their offices, attend meetings or interact with the people who voted them into office.
“We are moving into an auspicious year in that 2019 for many of us is Local Government Elections. Now more than ever you will be called on to provide an account to the people for what you have achieved, what you have advocated and how you have treated your burgess.
“Everybody wants their time in office to be fruitful and whether you intend to go back and fight for your seat, aldermen, chairmen, councillors, mayors, you should be on the ground interacting with the people.”
He said these elected officers should not abandon the people who voted for them after and election and return two weeks before the next election when they require their vote. He said the interaction should be continuous. He called on them to treat people nice.
“Listen to them, smile with them, talk to them. We take these things for granted. Don’t refuse to meet with people. Make time for people. All of us here have an expiry date...politicians and administrators.”
"Hosein: Make cellphones, emails public"