All children have the right to be heard
All children have a right to be heard and their opinions respected.
So said Minister of State, Office of the Prime Minister, Ayanna Webster-Roy at Wednesday’s World Children’s Day event at City Hall, Port of Spain, where students from primary, secondary and private schools were named ambassadors for children’s rights. Their role will be to educate others and bring awareness about children’s rights and responsibilities.
This campaign was intended to raise awareness and encourage people to build a world where every child was in school, was safe and free from harm so each child could fulfill their greatest potential.
“You are invaluable and irreplaceable, firstly as children and secondly as the next generation. Do not let anyone belittle any contribution you make because you are young. You must be an example to all in whatever you say and in the way you live with others.”
The minister said parents, guardians and teachers also had a role to play in ensuring that children’s rights were being upheld.
“As ambassadors you have a platform to represent other children who may not have a voice or an opportunity to speak on critical issues that affect this generation and their future. You have a right to speak and a responsibility to respect the opinions of others. Ideas have changed the world and will continue to do so. Have confidence in yourself and share your ideas so they can be considered.” She said every step taken in securing our children’s future dramatically increased the possibilities, not only for the children, but for the overall health and future of TT.
“I firmly believe the seeds we sow will reap a harvest tomorrow. You children are the seeds and seedlings. How we nourish, love, care, educate and plan for you determines what we will reap tomorrow and the fruits you will bear. All plants need water to grow. Today’s activity is one where the Government of TT seeks to water you, this nation’s growing seedlings, and groom this nation for a rich and sustainable harvest tomorrow. We adults need you. We understand that we will not be here forever, but we can leave legacies that can transcend generations in you. By ensuring that you have the best platforms today, we will safeguard your future tomorrow.”
"All children have the right to be heard"