Ministry of Education posts scholarship results

The Ministry of Education has posted the overview of scholarship results for 2018. According to the release, 376 scholarships have been awarded, 186 of which are open scholarships and the balance, 190 additional scholarships.

Two female students, Sadhana Baladin of St Joseph's Convent, San Fernando and Amrita Singh of Laskmi Girls' Hindu College have been recommended for President's Medals.

The release states St Joseph's Convent, Port of Spain received the most scholarships, 24 open and 17 additional, making a of 41 scholarships.

Scholarships have been awarded in the following areas:

- Business Studies

- Environmental Studies

- General Studies

- Humanities

- Information and Communication Technology

- Language Studies

- Mathematics

- Natural Sciences

- Technical Studies


"Ministry of Education posts scholarship results"

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