Spanish collection now at library
A collection consisting of only Spanish language texts for adults, young adults and small children has been established by Nalis at its Port of Spain Adult Library.
Situated on the northern wing of the first floor, the collection includes books donated by the embassies of Argentina, Cuba, Guatemala, Peru, Spain, Venezuela and the now defunct Hispanic Women’s Club.
In addition to children’s storybooks, among the collection can be found such titles as Historia de la Republica del Peru (1822 –1933) written by Jorge Basadre Grohmann (18 volumes); Clarivigilia Primavera and Poetia: Sien de Alondra, both written by Miguel Angel Asturias of Guatemala.
Also, visitors can delve into the works of classical and modern authors from Spain. The titles include Pasión de la Tierra by V Aleixandre; La ruta de Don Quijote by Azorín; Cartas Marruecas. Noches Lúgubres by J Cadalso; La Renta I and II by L Clarín; Meditaciones del Quijote by Ortega and Gasset; and Campos de Castilla by A Machado, to name a few.
In addition to making Spanish literature available, the collection presents cultural manifestations of the Spanish-speaking community.
The mix of authors and genres highlight how Spanish has evolved throughout the years, Nalis said in a media release.
The collection is accessible to people wishing to learn Spanish as well as native Spanish speakers.
The establishment of the Spanish language collection is yet another indication of Nalis’ commitment to the promotion of intercultural dialogue and the learning of Spanish as this country’s first foreign language, Nalis said in a the release.
Nalis also hosts Spanish language classes for students at its libraries; facilitates the Spanish conservation club, Club de Español; and last month held, over a five-day period, its second edition of Latin Nights — a celebration of Latin culture, folklore, arts and cuisine. Spanish language materials are available at other Nalis public libraries.
"Spanish collection now at library"