Herbalist fined for weed tells magistrate, "Too many bronchitis, cataract patients"

Photo: Jeff Mayers
Photo: Jeff Mayers

A SELF-proclaimed herbalist pleaded for leniency from a magistrate in San Fernando today for possession of two marijuana trees, saying that she has several patients who suffer from cataract and bronchitis.

Nkechi Phillips, 27, of Gasparillo, pleaded guilty before magistrate Alicia Chankar in the San Fernando Magistrates' court, for possession. She was fined $3,000.

Phillips pleaded guilty to the charge that yesterday, police discovered the trees growing in containers at her home. The prosecutor PC Cleyon Seedan, said that it was at about 3.50 pm when PC Castillo led a party of police officers to No 12 Christian Drive, Caratal Road. Phillips, also known as 'Empress', was at home. They showed her a warrant and searched inside and outside the house.

Seedan told Chankar that Phillip was asked if she had anything illegal and she replied, "All I have is two trees I does use for medicine. I am a herbalist."

Police saw marijuana plants in two black plant pots at the side of Phillips' house. She was questioned about them and reportedly replied, "Officer, that is my weed trees I plant. I does do lil herbs. That is my own."


Chankar told Phillip that marijuana remains an illegal substance, but the woman, standing in the dock, said, "Some of the cases I have for cataract and bronchitis are very severe." The magistrate granted her three weeks to pay the fine or serve six weeks in jail.


"Herbalist fined for weed tells magistrate, "Too many bronchitis, cataract patients""

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