OAS report for Parliament

A REPORT compiled by former ambassador Christopher Thomas into a sequence of events at the Foreign and Caricom Affairs Ministry, that ultimately led to TT voting against an Organisation of the American States (OAS) resolution in March to waive Dominica’s membership fees for two years, will be laid in Parliament.

Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat made the announcement on Monday in the Senate.

He said this will be done by the Foreign Affairs joint select committee.

That committee is chaired by Public Administration Minister Marlene McDonald.

“This is expected to be done shortly.” When Opposition Senator Wade Mark asked if the report would be laid soon as Parliament is “rushing towards recess,” Rambharat reiterated, “Shortly.”


Senate President Christine Kangaloo disallowed a request by Mark to disclose any findings and key recommendations in the report before it is laid in Parliament.


"OAS report for Parliament"

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