Photos: Labour Day in Fyzabad
Richardson Dhalai
Tuesday 19 June 2018
June 19, 2018 Several trade unions march from Avocat Junction Fyzabad to Charlie King Junction Fyzabad in in celebration of Labour Day in TT. Several speakers including leaders of unions under the Joint Trade Union Movement and FITUN.
Photo: Anil Rampersad
Thousands of this country's workers joined the Labour Day march from Avocat Junction to Charlie King Junction in Fyzabad this morning. Our reporter Richardson Dhalai and photographer Anil Rampersad were on hand to capture the moments and the stories of the workers struggle in TT.
This article will be updated as we receive more information.
A heavy police presence at Labour Day celebrations, Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad. Photos by Anil Rampersad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad 2018. Photo: Anil Rampersad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad. Photos by Anil Rampersad.
TTUTA President Lynsley Doodhai addressing union members during Labour Day celebration at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad. Photo by Anil Rampersad.
Banking, Insurance General Workers Union president Vincent Cabrera speaking at Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad. Photo by Anil Rampersad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad. Photo: Anil Rampersad
Photo: Anil Rampersad
Photo: Anil Rampersad.
Photo: Anil Rampersad
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction, Fyzabad.
Healthcare workers hold signs with demands for equality and justice at the Labour Day march in Fyzabad this morning.
Scenes from Labour Day celebrations at Charlie King Junction Fyzabad.
"Photos: Labour Day in Fyzabad"