Fake truth
From BC in Barbados
IN HIS APPALLING, but entirely predictable “defence” of the sanctity of marriage as being between a penis and a vagina on Monday, the Catholic archbishop actually had the cojones to invoke truth. Ah, but doesn’t God work in wondrous ways his hypocrites to reveal.
Look at the picture on the internet of the half-dozen old men – average age about 80, two in dresses (if not quite in drag), one sworn to complete personal sexual ignorance – look at six or seven grinning old men, holding hands, and ask yourself if what they are working for is not the denial of homosexuality, but of sexuality itself.
All religions extant today exist only to deny the female, the gender which gives life itself. Without an omnipotent, angry male God, a torrent of superstition and the threat of eternal damnation to force it, who in their right mind would put a man in charge of anything ahead of a woman other than a barbecue, a stag party or a fist fight?
Women will soon not need men at all, just their Y chromosomes – and humanity will become increasingly rational, and the smart choice to fill any role not predicated principally on brute strength – prime minister, surgeon, screenwriter, actuary, paediatrician – will always lean in favour of a female candidate. In time, Mother Nature might let her most belligerent, aggressive, limited, stupid and superstitious of life forms – male humans – simply die out.
But, until reason triumphs, weak old men will depend on God like ticks in a dog’s ear.
Consider, too, that these old men chose to defend penis-and-vagina marriage while simultaneously completely ignoring both the near-to-death beating of a woman by her male ex-lover as well as the broadcast of a video of the vicious assault on primetime TV.
You would think a self-appointed “man of God” would consider it more important to protect the sanctity of life – or at least the standards of decency that would resist the treatment of attempted murder as entertainment fit for primetime television – than the notion of penis-and-vagina marriage.
You would be dead firetrucking wrong.
Holy men in dresses care about one thing only: preventing others from having sex with whomever they love in the privacy of their own bedrooms.
But, even if you abdicate your responsibility to defend human rights, you ought not to hand it over to people who have made it a career to deny facts and promulgate myths and fictions. Remind yourself that the faiths those so-called holy men purported to speak for on Monday have vigorously (sometimes for centuries) defended every horrendous moral transgression in history, from child sacrifice through chattel slavery to genital mutilation.
But say you were so abused by your parents in your childhood that Middle Eastern fairy tales were implanted as fake truths in your defenceless little mind: assume you believe, eg, that a loving father would torture and murder his own son because he had the conviction that doing so would, somehow, give eternal life after death to every human being born afterwards. (The major “truth” of Christian faith would land its proponent today, not in paradise, but in either prison or the madhouse.)
Even if you have been brainwashed into handing matters of conscience over to men who have, previously, justified every act of inhumanity in the name of God, shouldn’t you at least require your putative holy men to be consistent within their own mumbo-jumbo?
The Catholic archbishop stood truth on its head when he claimed that he and his sexless brothers spoke for 90 per cent of the country when the Catholic archbishop demonstrably doesn’t even speak for 90 per cent of his own flock. It is Catholic doctrine that artificial birth control is “intrinsically evil;” which makes almost every nominally Catholic parent you know a mortal sinner, damned to Hell unless they confess and repent before death, and the shepherd of their flock a bare-faced liar.
Find the Catholic families with nine, ten or 11 children – personally, I know only two – and you will find the people the Catholic archbishop and his band of brothers in dresses truly represent: not at all 90 per cent of our population, but the lunatic fringe that disguises its hatred and its denial of Jesus’ only commandment as the work of God.
BC Pires is slapping the first stone out of the hands of the Pharisees. Read a longer version of this column and more of his writing at www.BCPires.com
"Fake truth"