Judiciary apologises for not explaining Archie's leave
The Judiciary has apologised for failing to inform the public of the status of Chief Justice Ivor Archie’s leave.
In a statement issued late Thursday, the Judiciary said, “The Judiciary realises that it has failed to inform the people of the nation fully as to the status of the Chief Justice’s leave. We apologise to the people of our country that we have failed to do so.”
According to the statement, the Chief Justice sought and was granted permission by President Paula-Mae Weekes to complete his leave which had been granted by her predecessor.
The statement said as of May 21, Archie had 21 working days left of the leave which he had been granted.
“Taking into account weekends and holidays during that period and his breaking his leave to assume official duties by attending the OAS Meeting on Problem Solving Courts among which the Drug Treatment Court, the Family Court, the Children Court and the Children Drug Treatment Court of Trinidad and Tobago are numbered, the Honourable Chief Justice is due to return to the jurisdiction on June 30, 2018.”
The statement said during the first portion of his leave, the Chief Justice broke his leave to undertake official duties for 6 days, and again when he returned to the jurisdiction upon his mother’s death.
“The nation is reminded that the Chief Justice has taken this period of personal leave to further his study of Comparative Industrial Relations Law taking into account Trinidad and Tobago’s lead and world renown history in this area. He is examining the development of Industrial Relations law and legislation which reacted to labour strife in the country at the time and gave us the Industrial Stabilisation Act, subsequently replaced as a reaction to the labour situation at that time with the present Industrial Relations Act; and beyond. Industrial Relations are key to societal stability. Appeals from the Industrial Court go to the Court of Appeal.”
During his absence, Justice of Appeal Allan Mendonca will act as chief justice from May 19 to June 7 and again from June 18-29. Justice of Appeal Alice Yorke-Soo Hon will act from June 8 to June 17, during which time Mendonca will be on vacation.
"Judiciary apologises for not explaining Archie’s leave"