Jearlean in the Senate

AFTER being sworn in as a temporary Opposition Senator at the start of the sitting, UNC deputy political leader Jearlean John told the Senate that the Variation of Appropriation Bill was “short on economic principles” which did not engender hope in the population.
In her maiden address in the Senate, John who at times adopted a lecturer’s tone, said government has a responsibility to diversify the economy and create employment opportunities for the population. “What is needed are jobs. It is good to talk about Revenue Authority and feel giddy about it, but it will not feed hungry bellies,” she said.
John said Finance Minister Colm Imbert’s presentation last week of the mid-year budget review seemed to revolve around policy and not on projects to stimulate the economy. “The government tends to concern itself with what we have done, what they have me government is in a relay. All this argument what was not completed and what could have been completed, all that makes no sense because after this government is booted out in 2020, there is absolutely nothing to continue because they have been stuck on policy,” she said.
She then cited three people one of whom is a medical doctor who are unable to find work. She said government has dismantled the middle class while heaping taxes and more taxes on the population. “The people are fed up and will not tolerate this government for one more minute than is allowed,” she said.
"Jearlean in the Senate"