Serving the Tobago public for 70 years

Vidya Thurab
Pride in their work was celebrated as staff, officials and guests gathered for the Tobago Library Services' Thanksgiving on May 8, to commemorated 70 years of service to the Tobago public.
Chief Secretary, Kelvin Charles, also Secretary of the Division of Education, commended the library’s staff for providing continuous service to Tobago for the last seven decades since April 26, 1948.
At the event held at the Anne Mitchell-Gift auditorium at the Scarborough Library, Charles said serving the public for such a long time was no easy task and noted that it was made possible through positivity, innovation and creativity of the Library Services dedicted staff. He lauded employees for their loyalty and pride in carrying out their duties and said he hoped this would be passed down to the future generation as those traits were vital for the development of Tobago.
He urged the employees to take a stand for what is "good and right" by leading by example in keeping with the theme of the celebrations, 'Pride in our past, present and future.'
In opening remarks, Librarian III (Ag), Nichelle Denoon, said it was the detailed approach of Library Services staff that contributed to the many years of success.
"The Tobago Library Services for the past 70 years has taken a studied approach to service delivery. It has been able to achieve this by first understanding the cross section of society it exists to serve, then investing time effort and creativity in ensuring that services are carefully crafted to satisfy the needs and interest of many in our society, regardless of age, income, ethnicity, physical ability, educational background. It even goes further than that as it ensures a great degree of patience and care is involved in how individual needs are met," she said.
"Today we celebrate 70 years since the Tobago Public Library became a part of the Central Library of Trinidad and Tobago.
It is important to note that library services for the Tobago's public emerged on the Tobago landscape around 1921. However, between 1921 and 1948, which spans 27 years the service, it was not formalised and operated mainly as a subscription service. Denoon said committees, whose members were not qualified librarians. managed the service prior to 1948.
“For most of you who are familiar with the Moore Information Report, you would recall that the report had highlighted the need for critical institutions such as schools and libraries and was released in 1948, in the same year the government of Trinidad and Tobago assumed responsibility for the provision of a free library services.
Director of the Heritage Library, National Library and Information System Authority (NALIS), Helen Johnson, congratulated staffers for their hard work and dedication to the service in the face of issues and challenges.
"Serving the Tobago public for 70 years"