Substantial savings despite delays on Lambeau bridge

Work on the Lambeau River Bridge could be completed within the next five weeks, below the original estimated cost of $20 million.
So said Secretary of Infrastructure Kwesi Des Vignes, who declared that the project has been delayed due to “poor planning…and project management techniques” employed by the contractor.
Trinidad Contractors Limited is responsible for the works on the bridge.
Des Vignes said with the Division working closely with project manager National Infrastructure Development Company (NIDCO) and consultants Trintoplan, the project would accrue significant savings to Tobago.
He said Trinidad Contractors Ltd will foot the bill for the “damages” due to lost time. He said the Division has so far spent $12 million on the project.
At the April 18 post Executive Council media briefing, Des Vignes had provided reporters with an update on the project.
“…We’re looking at the completion of the bridge works itself at the of May. There are other civil works to be completed, including the reinforcing of the river banks as we look to mitigate against flooding.
“The bridge currently has the base course put down, which (means) cars are able to drive over the bridge, but we are pushing them to complete the works as they are behind schedule….”
"Substantial savings despite delays on Lambeau bridge"