Jesus’ wordsnow seen ashate speech

THE EDITOR: There was a popular song in the 60s and early 70s by a popular local group from the west which said in essence that we are all God’s children.

However, in searching the holy book, this sentiment cannot be found. On the contrary, Jesus, when accosted by the Scribes, said to them, “You are of your father the devil and the lusts of your father you will do” (John 8:44). He chased the money changers out of the temple and overturned their stalls.

Questions today are being asked by some as to what Jesus would have said and done if he were to be amongst us today. Since his words are unchanging I’m sure they would have been the same.

Christians today are being chastised for repeating the words of Jesus which are being classified as hate speech. Overturning the money changers’ stalls today would have been viewed as hate and vendetta by a man who had lost his cool.

Some Christians are even suggesting that we should pray for all sinners — those who are leading alternative lifestyles and even those who have no business with God’s spirit — and not condemn, although Christians have been warned about what they should do with their “pearls.”


Teachers of the word must be reminded, though, about going into the highways and byways to those who are willing to receive. However, if they are to believe that Christians must pray for everyone, they ought to read what Paul said about Hymenaus and Alexander when Paul told Timothy that he had delivered these two gentlemen unto Satan (1Tim 1:20).

We are surely living in perilous times when the words of Jesus, repeated by Christians, are viewed as hate speech.

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"Jesus’ wordsnow seen ashate speech"

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