We need to stop dumping rubbish

THE EDITOR: I take on board Dr Fuad Khan’s warning about an increase in malarial infections.

Recently on social media there was speculation that Venezuelans with malaria entering as refugees might be part of the problem. But how can we forget the unmitigated nasty behaviour of our own people with the dumping of rubbish in rivers and stagnant water all around the homes.

There is an ongoing complaint about private individuals blocking water courses and causing flooding where none existed before. Some citizens appear to believe they can do anything they want in order to extend their properties.

I presume that the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Management will have sheltered accommodation, mattresses, food and water waiting to be given out to the long suffering public.

Can we hope that some people will stock up on sandbags or raise their perishable items off the ground?


Two whole months to go to help the extent of their own suffering.

, Diego Martin


"We need to stop dumping rubbish"

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