Dillon: Police Service not collapsing

NATIONAL Security Minister Edmund Dillon yesterday said there is no “impending collapse” of the Police Service.
Dillon made this declaration in response to a question in the Senate. He related this to concerns reportedly raised by the Police Social and Welfare Association about the lack of promotions. Dillon told senators he has been advised by the acting Commissioner of Police (CoP) that this is not so.
However, Dillon said, “There has been an unacceptable long delay in promotions, which is being addressed notwithstanding the negative bureaucratic process that has to be followed to effect promotions.”
He said since 2016, the Police Service has been pursuing the contracting of a firm to design and implement a promotional assessment process to fill vacancies in the First Division.
He said in 2017, Miami Dade College was awarded, but no agreement to finalise it was reached, after extensive negotiatons between the Police Service and the college. As a consequence, the contract was rescinded so that another company could provide the assessment services.
He added that the acting CoPis currently awaiting authorisation from the Central Tenders Board.
Dillon later told the Senate that a comprehensive training programme related to the National Crime Prevention Programme will be rolled out from April 23-July 13.
"Dillon: Police Service not collapsing"