Traffic restrictions for inauguration

WHILE President-elect Paula-Mae Weekes asked police to ensure her inauguration caused no undue hardship to the motoring public, police are warning drivers to be guided by the traffic restrictions for Monday’s ceremony.

In a police press briefing yesterday, Traffic and Highway Patrol Branch ASP (acting) Harnarine Rampath said there would be traffic restrictions between 6 am and 2 pm, which would affect the streets near the Queen’s Park Savannah and the National Academy for the Performing Arts, where the inauguration and a reception will take place.

Rampath said from 9 am, traffic going north along Charlotte, Henry and Pembroke Streets would have to turn west onto Gordon Street, which will be one-way going west.

Except for vehicles displaying stickers and passes, there will be be no entry on Keate Street, from Charlotte Street and Chancery Lane from Gordon Street or Queen’s Park West.

Traffic along the Queen’s Park Savannah will be permitted but drivers must pay attention to police and traffic wardens directing traffic into and out of the QPS, the St Ann’s roundabout, the entrance to the drag mall at the top of Frederick Street and the entrance to the Paddock, as well as the exits at Dundonald Street and Victoria Avenue.


While traffic restrictions are in effect, the Vehicle Operation Unit will remove vehicles that are illegally parked, which will be taken to the police impound bay in Sea Lots.


"Traffic restrictions for inauguration"

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