Playwrights workshop on at TTW

THE Playwrights Workshop Trinbago (PWT)’s Monthly Readers Theatre Series will feature readings of three plays at the Trinidad Theatre Workshop (TTW) tomorrow.
Curtain Call by Hakeeb Nandalal, Father Figure by Randy Ablack and the rereading of Ronald John’s Pieces of a Dream will begin at 7 pm. Curtain Call, according to Nandalal, is not a complete play but the core dialogue of a potentially full play about an old man in his final years trying to pass on his wisdom to his grandson. Nandalal is a retired land surveyor who is interested in moving from technical to creative writing, said a media release.
Ablack is an aspiring playwright and poet and is currently enrolled in The University of the West Indies (UWI’s MFA programme for short-story writers. In Father Figure, he deals with a young boy caught hunting in the Caroni Bird Sanctuary during the 1990 coup.
In Pieces of a Dream, Prof Einstein who claims to be a lecturer at a university, sits all day in Woodford Square, writing on heaps of paper, talking to himself and giving long speeches to no one in particular. Two homeless souls sit waiting on him, swapping stories, cracking jokes and planning ways of getting out of their poverty. When Mary, a woman with a dubious character, passes by and notices the professor, she falls in love. This new play by John, was first read in November 2017 and has since gone through some changes.
The Playwrights Workshop Trinbago is inviting actors, playwrights, directors, producers and the public to the reading, to provide the three playwrights with feedback to further develop their scripts.
The session will be held at 6 Newbold Street, St Clair. Admission is free but space is limited so an RSVP is required.
The PWT reads new stage, screen, and teleplays on the first Wednesday of every month.
For more info: e-mail or call 351-6293.
"Playwrights workshop on at TTW"