Sinanan: Relief for Lengua Road

WORKS and Transport Minister Rohan Sinanan yesterday announced that remedial works have been initiated to repair a landslip at Lengua Road in Moruga. Sinanan made this announcement in the Senate. He said a WASA (Water and Sewerage Authority) pipeline had ruptured at Lengua Road, causing severe damage to the base of the landslip. Saying it was no secret the Moruga/Tableland constituency has soil challenges, Sinanan said, “Unfortunately, the landslip gave way and at this time the Ministry is initiating temporary action where we will be putting in a base coat and hot mix.”

Sinanan said the long term plan is to include this landslip, “in our bridges and landslips programme for a more permanent fixture.” He said the ministry immediately sent a team to the area when it received word that the landslip had collapsed.

Responding to a question from Independent Senator Taurel Shrikissoon, Sinanan said a resident whose house was affected by the landslip’s collapse has been relocated to new housing, thanks to the Housing Development Corporation and Moruga/Tableland MP Dr Lovell Francis.

Later in the sitting, Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat said his ministry has not taken any steps to warn residents of Carat Shed Beach in La Brea about consuming decomposing fish that has washed up there. Rambharat explained it was, “not normal for residents in fishing communities to consume decomposing fish found on the shore.”

He reiterated that nothing has happened at Carat Shed which raises a concern to him or the ministry, “in relation to the consumption of dead fish.”



"Sinanan: Relief for Lengua Road"

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