Duke urges leaders: Watch Black Panther and learn

Watson Duke.
Watson Duke.

With the release of the much-anticipated superhero film, Black Panther, today, Tobago House of Assembly (THA) Minority Leader and President of the Public Servants’ Association (PSA) Watson Duke is urging leaders to watch the film and observe it’s themes of self-sufficiency, cultural pride and humility.

Newsday spoke with Duke this afternoon who said he saw the film and was thoroughly impressed by its production and the positive message for persons of African descent. He added while the film’s premise is rooted in fiction, it contains many elements which are applicable to challenges facing T&T today and feels that all citizens, especially leaders should take the time to heed it’s message of power through unity. Citing recent challenges in transportation to and from the sister isle, Duke said one of the film’s messages of connectivity and inclusion should not be lost upon its Trinidadian viewers.

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"Duke urges leaders: Watch Black Panther and learn"

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