No water in Central and South West for two days

INTERCONNECTION work at the new Savonetta booster station and other pipeline maintenance works along the Caroni South Trunk main will result in a disruption of the supply of water for two days.

The areas to be affected, according to the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) are those in Central and South West served by the Caroni water treatment plant and the Point Lisas desalination plant.

The interruption is expexted to take effect from 4am on Friday until 8pm on Saturday.

“It is important to note that during the period of the supply interruption, the authority will be unable to provide a supplemental supply to most of the affected areas,” WASA said in a release yesterday.

“As such, it is vital for customers in the impacted areas to maintain/establish a system of storage over the period of the disruption and to also manage their water use efficiently.”


The authority said, notwithstanding this, it will implement measures in order to mitigate some effects of the disruption.

These include: Re-distribution of supply from the Navet water treatment plant and Point Fortin desal plant; increased water trucking capacity, ensure capacity storage at critical service reservoirs, and special emphasis and arrangements to supply schools, health institutions, homes for aged and other special needs organisations.

“Customers are further advised that it may take between 24 to 48 hours for the service to normalise to some areas in accordance with established water supply schedules.


"No water in Central and South West for two days"

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