Primary school application forms available

THE standardised application forms for admission to the first year at primary schools are available at all such schools and at the respective education district offices during normal working hours.

They were made available from Wednesday at the Ministry of Education’s website at, a release from the ministry said.

All completed application forms must be submitted to the school of choice by March 15. Schools will contact parents and guardians of successful applicants from May 15-31, the ministry said.

There must be no interview process and/or examination, as criteria for admission to a primary school and principals using online registration must simultaneously ensure that paper copies of application forms are also available to prospective parents.

“Principals are also reminded that under no circumstances should a registration fee be charged to parents or any request for a contribution of cash or kind be imposed on any parent as conditions for acceptance of a child into a school,” the release stipulated.


The new form, the ministry said, represents strengthened collaboration between the ministry and all stakeholders. The forms used in previous years were withdrawn earlier this year.


"Primary school application forms available"

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