Regrello making positive changes

THE EDITOR: When our public figures misstep or perform badly some citizens can be very generous with their criticisms, even to the extent of calling for resignations, but there seems to be an absence of commendations for good ideas and works well done.

As a long suffering motorist in the past with the extreme congestion at Library Corner, High Street, San Fernando, I congratulate Mayor Junia Regrello on the positive and thoughtful changes made there as well as at Lord, Mucurapo, Mon Chagrin and Penitent Streets.

I know I speak for other members of the public who appreciate the greater ease of accessing the central commercial areas of the city.

I also mention his efforts to assist and identify with cultural activities and the generous allowances to the street vendors at Christmas time, albeit to the annoyance of some business owners.

Hopefully in the future there could be more effective ways of treating with seemingly perennial problems of street vendors and dwellers, but with a mayor who seems to have his heart in the right place and his feet on the ground more and even better improvements can be expected.




"Regrello making positive changes"

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