Bon Bassa launches junior company

The Barataria-based folk company Bon Bassa Productions has launched a junior theatre company.
Bon Bassa Productions – Juniors, had its debut last month and members showcased their talents in song, music and dance at the company’s Christmas Dinner and Awards Function. The junior company was formed on March 17, 2017, with four students and grew steadily to the current 27 performers. Over these months, they were taught dance, singing, music, drumming and drama.
Delores Alexander, president of Bon Bassa Productions said in a media release, “We always highlight our accomplishments at our year-end dinner and launching our newly-formed junior arm at the dinner was fitting to the occasion.”
Vice president Akida Lawrence said, “Bon Bassa’s work promotes the indigenous performing art forms of Trinidad and Tobago. We aim to secure the future of our culture with the junior company by passing on our knowledge to the next generation.”
The Juniors members age ranges from four to 17 years and is based at the Barataria Regional Complex.
"Bon Bassa launches junior company"