No easy way to make tough decisions

THE EDITOR: Citizens are being called on to remain informed with regard to the current state of the economy. The actions by the Government continue to be the best options available from a list of undesirable measures. The Prime Minister spoke about modest economic recovery in 2018 which most economists agree will be felt around the third quarter. Although this does not alleviate all our challenges it will put the Government in a better position to deliver. We must therefore rise to the occasion as a people and push forward with our collective efforts to continue transforming our economy and society. Standing together, we have nothing to lose but divided we create an environment to hinder collective progress.

The Government is not perfect but has a track record of successfully governing in good and bad economic times. There is no denying the commitment and experience which the People’s National Movement (PNM) administration possesses and therefore expectations remain high.

Effectively tackling corruption, waste and mismanagement are critical in tough economic times and present the opportunity to reduce unnecessary expenditure. The Government therefore has a responsibility to protect the public purse and keep its promise of good governance.

There is no easy way to make tough decisions, especially when they impact the normal way of life citizens have come to enjoy. However, leadership requires the ability to make those tough decisions which will ultimately redound to the nation’s future progress. Our mantra must include love for country, faith, persistence, togetherness and commitment to a better future.

As a nation let’s remain strong and resilient and as a people remain one family of citizens in this blessed paradise called TT.




"No easy way to make tough decisions"

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