City will adhere to decibel limits

Port of Spain Mayor Joel Martinez yesterday assured residents of Port of Spain and environs that the corporation will observe the sound limit in every event it hosts during the Carnival season. Martinez also encouraged bandleaders and fete promoters to be similarly mindful and to adhere to the required decibel limit during Carnival events for 2018.
He made the announcement during a press conference Tuesday on Downtown Carnival 2018 at City Hall, Port of Spain. “We are planning to stay within the decibel level and to comply with the EMA (Environmental Management Authority). We want people to know that we can have a good time at the required decibel levels without hindrance to the passer-by and to the people who may live close to the city. We also want to encourage other bandleaders and promoters to stay within the required limit.
“It may seem a bit difficult at this time, but once people get accustomed to something, they will get accustomed to understanding you can enjoy yourself, the music does not have to be more than the fete itself,” he said.
Martinez said Downtown Carnival will be launched on January 19, from 3 pm to 8 pm, at Woodford Square with a cultural show instead of the traditional street parade. This year Destra Garcia, “Queen of Bacchanal,” will be honoured by the Downtown Committee.
Martinez said owing to the downturn in the economy, the launched will be kicked off with the bands parading around Woodford Square with a grand cultural show instead of the normal parade from Memorial Park, down Frederick Street to Woodford Square.
“We had a problem last year with the truck and having the permit for the music truck to parade on that afternoon. Due to the economic changes, we have decided to have a cultural function at Woodford Square and the main event will take place inside the square. We want to make 2018 Carnival very safe and where people will feel comfortable to traverse the city of Port of Spain and they can be happy about it. We want people to enjoy themselves while they utilise the city of Port of Spain,” he said.
Martinez said although there are approved spaces for vending in the city during the Carnival season, the corporation will be treating the situation “very strictly.”
“We are not going to allow people to vend if you are not part of the programme. If you want to vend, there is a process to follow, and if you don’t follow the process, we will ask the police to remove you. Be very careful and follow the rules. We want to have a clean, safe, and enjoyable Carnival for everyone.”
Alderman Wendell Stephen, chairman of the Downtown Carnival Committee, said all the routes for Carnival 2018 will remain the same as 2107.
“Nothing has changed. The Kiddies Carnival will start from our South Quay venue, where there will be separate judging by our Downtown Carnival judges and the bands head toward the Queen’s Park Savannah. On Carnival Sunday, the Downtown Carnival hosts its own kiddies’ mas from 1pm at South Quay toward Piccadilly Greens. On Monday morning the mayor will once again read the proclamations at exactly 4 am for the start of Carnival where we will host our J’Ouvert competition downtown.”
"City will adhere to decibel limits"