Woman leads police to foetus in Caroni Swamp

A 31-year-old Carapichaima woman yesterday led police into the Caroni Swamp, where the foetus of her aborted baby was hidden. The woman claims she was made to abort the unborn child by relatives of her boyfriend, but on Tuesday she decided to report it to the police.

She is now assisting them in an investigation.

Police told Newsday that at about 3.30 pm on Sunday, the woman was at her boyfriend’s home when his parents asked her to go with them to a doctor.

When they got there, the doctor checked her then gave her a prescription which was filled at a drug store.

The medication was used to abort the pregnancy.


When the foetus had passed out of her body, the woman followed the family to the Caroni Swamp, where the foetus was disposed of.

After she reported these events to Caroni police, they went into the swamp yesterday at about 2 pm, and found the foetus with her assistance.


"Woman leads police to foetus in Caroni Swamp"

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