Point Fortin Mayor: Be more patriotic

Point Fortin Mayor Abdon Mason has urged the national community to be “more patriotic” and contribute to making Trinidad and Tobago a “safer, stronger and healthier nation” in 2018.
In a statement yesterday, Mason noted that 2018 should not be “just another year” but had to be a “markedly different year from 2017” as citizens make “conscious decisions about how we work, how we manage our personal and family finances and how we grow and develop ourselves as individuals, no matter our station in life.”
“The New Year therefore challenges us to chart a different course of action for ourselves, so that we could raise the bar in all that we do and become better and more productive citizens. In this way, we would be properly equipped to face whatever new challenges may come our way now, and in the future,” he stated.
Mason said the burgesses of Point Fortin were also “well aware” of the economic and financial challenges that confront the nation and had to “demonstrate a greater sense of consciousness for our natural and built environment, and to contribute in our own way to building a safer, stronger and healthier nation.”
“Trinidad and Tobago belongs to all of us, so that whatever we do in Point Fortin or Point Cumana, will either be to the benefit or the detriment of the entire nation,” he stated.
“So my call to the national community in 2018 is therefore a national rallying cry to make this New Year a different year. Let us make this New Year a year of positivity, possibility and progress,” he added.
"Point Fortin Mayor: Be more patriotic"