NJAC: Rebuild institutions

The National Joint Action Committee (NJAC) is calling for a restoration of public confidence in public institutions in 2018. In its New Year message, NJAC said the population continues to lose confidence in many of the country’s institutions. as the result of the actions “of the very persons responsible for the preservation of their sanctity.”

NJAC said these institutions include the Parliament and the Judiciary. “When confidence is lost in our most fundamental institutions, then the fabric of our democracy is being undermined,” it said.

Noting 2018 will be a challenging year, NJAC said, “As a nation, we need to demand higher standards from our leaders. As citizens, we also need to hold ourselves accountable for our own actions.”

NJAC warned that ethnic or political considerations should not be used to defend actions that are known to be wrong. “The unity of the nation must not be sacrificed at the altar of political or ethnic partisanship. This can only be a recipe for total disaster.”

The country must change its focus in 2018 and build a solid and secure foundation for future generations, it said.


NJAC was one of five political parties that formed the now defunct People’s Partnership coalition.


"NJAC: Rebuild institutions"

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