Dumas: Thanks but no thanks
THE EDITOR: Our presidential election will shortly take place, and speculation has understandably begun. My name is among those mentioned, and I would like to thank, most sincerely, the many people who, by their telephone calls, media comments, and e-mails (some from abroad), have expressed their support for what, also understandably, they see as my candidature.
There has, however, been a misunderstanding. I want to make it clear that I am not, repeat not, a candidate for the presidency, and have no intention whatsoever of being, or even seeking to be, a candidate.
May I also say this? TT is increasingly riven by divisions of all kinds – racial, political, personal, etc. Finger-pointing, snide and condescending remarks, and the public expression of unfortunate sentiments have become the norm. Our non-executive president, whoever he or she may be, is our citizen No1, whose election should not, in my view, be the subject of party political machinations and, consequently, of the very fissures that more and more afflict us.
Therefore, would it be feasible, instead of yet another adversarial scenario, to have the three components of the electoral college – Government, Opposition, and independents – consult as many members of the public as possible in the short time remaining, then sit together in advance of the election and agree on a single person?
Reginald Dumas, Bacolet
"Dumas: Thanks but no thanks"