Keep CDA clean
Chairman of the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA) board Gupte Lutchmedial is calling on people who use the northwestern peninsula to treat it as their own.
In an interview yesterday, Lutchmedial said as 2018 is approaching, it is his hope people will be a little more sensitised in the way they dispose of their rubbish.
Lutchmedial said Chaguaramas is governed by the authority, which is responsible for keeping the peninsula clean.
“Chaguaramas is a national park and it is for recreation for the people of TT. We are making every effort to maintain it, give and take the financial restriction we have, and we are hoping when people use the peninsula, citizens will cherish it like their own.
“We want people to feel Chaguaramas belongs to them. It is their place too, because they are stakeholders, and they should take care to what belongs to them.
“We pay for sanitation, electricity, we pay for everything in that area and when people use it and make a lot of mess after their parties, band launching and so on, they leave rubbish all over the place. It is our workers who have to clean it up and it cost a lot of money. Apart from the clean-up there are broken bottles and all sorts of stuff that gets left behind by party goers and users.”
Lutchmedial said although the CDA charges promoters a fee to use the area, CDA staff have to clean up after the majority of the events, which is quite costly to the authority.
He said while some promoters pay the fees, there are those who are reluctant to pay, and are sometimes the ones to make the mess on the peninsula.
“Chaguaramas is in dire need of money, and we have to do all we can to work with one another for the betterment of Chaguaramas,” Lutchmedial said.
"Keep CDA clean"