UTC launches foundation

The Unit Trust Corporation (UTC) says its foundation, launched on Wednesday to mark its 35th anniversary, is meant to empower clients in a changing economy.
The foundation aims to do this by being a platform for ideas and innovation, working towards the creation and enhancement of wealth for all and by nurturing the development of environmental citizenship. Several hundred team members from the corporation’s investment centres gathered at the National Academy for the Performing Arts, Port of Spain, for the launch. UTC executive director Ian Chinapoo, sales manager Omar Holder and wetlands ecologist Rahanna Juman all spoke about the foundation’s core pillars – education, financial well-being and environmental citizenship.
Chinapoo addressed education, promising that, “the UTC Foundation will support research into innovative educational models to support the development and implementation of world class learning environments.” Holder revealed other plans including establishment of a financial library and facilitation of financial coaching.
The foundation will also coordinate and sponsor events that put forward ideals of personal leadership within communities. The launch included a special screening of Sustain TnT’s short film, Intervention. UTC said, “The film which contained many powerful messages which resonated with the audience, highlights our impact on the environment.”
Speaking about the environment, Juman reminded UTC team members: “Climate change is our new reality. We cannot stop these changes and we cannot say with certainty when and how intense they will be, but we can adapt and become resilient. Once we understand our vulnerability, we can then act, find innovative solutions and best practices being used by other societies to help lessen the impact.”
Juman encouraged everyone to work together – civil society, business and government – to restore TT’s forests and plant vegetation along the coastline and beaches. “We must become environmental citizens,” she declared.
"UTC launches foundation"