CPU: Beware during Christmas period
The Child Protection Unit has issued a caution to the public to be vigilant when looking after their children during the coming Christmas vacation.
At the weekly press briefing on Wednesday, Superintendent Beverly Rodriguez said parents should ensure their children are properly supervised when taking them to crowded areas such as shopping malls, stores, and supermarkets, as children could be easily lured into wash rooms and lonely areas by predators.
Parents were also advised to discourage children from accepting drinks, food, money or gifts from anyone without their approval and told not to leave their children’s drinks unattended, as they can be easily contaminated with mind-numbing drugs.
Parents should always supervise their children’s internet activity along with their cellular phone use and tablets; and have a common place for the use of these devices where their use can be easily monitored.
They should contact the police if their child has received pornographic material via the internet or if they suspect their child has been the target of an online sex predator.
“The police need the support of all stakeholders to minimise incidents of sexual assault and abuse towards children. Please come forward and report all instances of abuse or suspected abuse to the police.”
"CPU: Beware during Christmas period"