Felicity cremation site due for relocation

Mininster of Rural Development Senator Kazim Hosein, left, points to the propsed site of the new cremation site at an area called Shipping Road. Also in photo are second from left, PS Desdra Bascombe, Jason Kisson, Communications Department, and Chaguanas West MP Ganga Singh.
Mininster of Rural Development Senator Kazim Hosein, left, points to the propsed site of the new cremation site at an area called Shipping Road. Also in photo are second from left, PS Desdra Bascombe, Jason Kisson, Communications Department, and Chaguanas West MP Ganga Singh.

At the Lackhan Kariah cremation site, in Felicity, the “living and the dead are very close together” and one can find religious and social activities mixing as a result.

Chaguanas Mayor Gopaul Boodhan made the comments yesterday in light of a proposed relocation of the site. Boodhan told Newsday people play loud music, they consume alcohol, dance and fish.

“So, we have a major challenge there where the recreation has gone way beyond fishing and more into entertainment recreation. The fishing area and the cremations are very close, and it has created problem in terms of health and social,” Boodhan said.

Yesterday, officials from the Chaguanas Borough Corporation, Rural Development and Local Government, Minister Kazim Hosein, and MP for Chaguanas West, Ganga Singh, visited the site at Cacandee Road, Felicity.

Boodhan said before any relocation is made, they first need to consult with stakeholders.


“We would not do anything until we have consultations with the wider community. These include villages, religious leaders who access this facility, the funeral homes and also the EMA and all the other associated national agencies,” Boodhan added. Consultations are expected to take place early December at the borough.

The proposed relocation is for an area known as Shipping Road, close to the Caparo River and approximately a five-minute drive from the current location. The mayor added the location has more space, more parking and other access roads.

The current area started as a village-type cremation site but, it now facilitates the entire borough and surrounding areas, the mayor said.

The Minister said the current location is like a marina and noted that religious and secular activities should not mix.

“Sometime people are liming and drinking next to where a funeral is taking place. It cannot work where it is right now. That area is like a marina, there are many boats, there are many treasure seekers. I see this as a fruitful start. First thing is to consult with the stakeholders- the business community, the fishermen, villagers about the proposal,” Hosein said.


"Felicity cremation site due for relocation"

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