Law Association demands answers from CJ

Chief Justice 
Ivor Archie.
Chief Justice Ivor Archie.

The Law Association is calling on Chief Justice Ivor Archie to publicly address allegations contained in a newspaper report on Sunday.

In a press release yesterday, the association’s secretary Elena Araujo pointed out: “No further information is given in the article about the content or context of this communication. But the fact that it may have occurred and that it concerned a presumptively confidential meeting among members of the judiciary about an obviously sensitive matter, call out for an explanation.

“The Law Association therefore considers that, in the circumstances, it would be the prudent course for the Chief Justice to publicly address the allegations surrounding the discussions he allegedly had with the person identified in the article.”

The release said the association considered the assertion in the newspaper article that the Chief Justice tried to influence Supreme Court Judges to change their personal state-provided security in favour of a private company, for which his close friend works. The newspaper article did not say the CJ identified any particular firm.

It alleged that he raised an issue concerning security arrangements with National Security personnel which was forwarded to the Special Branch and the acting Commissioner of Police, but that he did not suggest the retention of private security.


The release said the council of the association was, “therefore of the view that the charge levelled at the Chief Justice is as yet unsubstantiated.

“However, the council is concerned about the report that, following the meeting he held with the Judges of the Supreme Court, he communicated with the friend who was connected with a private security firm indicating that he had spoken with the judges about their security.”

Chief Justice Archie is out of the country and could not be reached for comment yesterday.


"Law Association demands answers from CJ"

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