All Trinidad settles with Seereeram Bros

Despite the current economic downturn, the All Trinidad General Workers’ Trade Union (ATGWTU) successfully negotiated a new three-year collective agreement for the hourly and weekly-rated employees of Seereeram Bros Ltd.

The agreement, which was signed on October 27, covers the period June 1, 2017 to May 31, 2020 with workers realising a ten per cent wage increase. The breakdown of the increases over the next three years is: first year – four per cent; second year – three per cent and third year – three per cent. In a media release yesterday, signed by president general Nirvan Maharaj, the union said it also realised improvements in other terms and conditions of employment such as consolidation of cost of living allowance, meal and other allowances and benefits.

“The union wishes to extend its appreciation to officials of Seereeram Bros Ltd for the cordial and harmonious relations, which existed during the conduct of the said negotiations and of which both parties were extremely pleased with the outcome,” the union said.


"All Trinidad settles with Seereeram Bros"

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