Catholic paper to tackle ‘fake news’

Today, because of the prevalence of what is called “fake news,” the Catholic News will hold a one-day symposium to deal specifically with the issue.

As part of its 125th-anniversary celebrations the paper will sponsor the event titled: The Pursuit of Truth in the Age of Fake News, on Saturday at St Dominic’s Pastoral Centre, Morne Coco Road, Four Roads, Diego Martin from 8.30 am–3.30 pm.

Fr Cuthbert Alexander, the former vicar of communications, said the paper wanted to do “something that would bear testimony to the contribution the paper has made to the church and society,” said a media release.

The symposium has several aims. Alexander said, “It will look back at the work of some of those who contributed to the success of the paper over the years. It will consider the present media environment.”

The symposium will look at “solutions” and approaches to problems, and address some of the challenges the media and society face, influence of the media and the impact of technology, the release said.


For over a year, a planning team comprising Alexander, Bishop Clyde Harvey, Fr Martin Sirju, Dr Terrence Farrell, Helena Allum, Denise Scott, Lucille Nathu, Tracey Lewis and new communications vicar Fr Robert Christo, has been putting the event together.

The symposium is free and anyone who wants to attend can register online at or by calling CAMSEL’s office at 623-6093. Keynote speaker is John L Allen, editor of Crux, an independent Catholic news site in partnership with the Knights of Columbus.

He has served as senior correspondent for the National Catholic Reporter and later as associate editor of the Boston Globe.

He is the senior Vatican analyst for CNN and author of ten books on Vatican and Catholic affairs. Other presentations will be made by Harvey, Prof Bridget Brereton and Tracey Lewis.

Two panel discussions will be held, the first to be moderated by Andy Johnson, and will include Allen, Mark Lyndersay, Lasana Liburd and Sunity Maharaj. The other will be moderated by Tony Fraser and will include Harvey, Fr Christo, Tracey Lewis and Lyndersay. The wrap-up will be done by Farrell.


"Catholic paper to tackle ‘fake news’"

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