Minister: CDA reviewing leases issued by PP

Four of the 15 leases for land in Chaguaramas, issued by the People’s Partnership (PP) in the month leading up to the 2015 General Election, have been deemed illegal while others have been deemed unfavourable to the public interest.

All are now under review by the Chaguaramas Development Authority (CDA), which is to submit recommendations to Planning and Development Minister Camille Robinson-Regis on how to proceed with each lease.

This was revealed by the minister yesterday during a press conference at the ministry’s office, Eric Williams Financial Complex, Port of Spain.

Robinson-Regis called the press conference to set the record straight on allegations by former PP ministers in response to a recent statement by Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, in which he said the previous administration gave away hundreds of acres of prime real estate in Chaguaramas.

Responding to Rowley, former Agriculture Minister Devant Maharaj earlier this week accused the PM of misleading the public because the PP “did everything with transparency, following all proper procedures.”



"Minister: CDA reviewing leases issued by PP"

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