Yvee mum on Fay-Ann’s withdrawal

Miss Universe Trinidad and Tobago Yvonne ‘Yvee’ Clarke remained mum on the decision by soca star Fay-Ann Lyons-Alvarez’s to pull her company’s sponsorship support for this country’s delegate final leg of the Miss Universe competition which takes place later this month.
In a brief telephone interview yesterday, Clarke told Newsday she was about to attend a meeting and had “no comment” on the matter.
On Friday, Lyons-Alvarez, in a statement, said she decided to withdraw from Clarke’s preparations for the competition.
Lyons-Alvarez stepped in to assist the representative two weeks after hearing Clarke had no sponsors to help her prepare for the international competition.
She is reported to have said that she decided to withdraw her support because of the duplication in efforts between the team she assembled and a parallel team of Clarke’s.
She said she because confused and decided to pull her support, which included photography, sourcing hair stylists and providing Clarke’s luggage.
The Miss Universe pageant will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on November 26.
"Yvee mum on Fay-Ann’s withdrawal"