UNC: Not so Mr Singh

The decision to hold the UNC’s internal election for political leader and its natex members was stoutly defended by the party which refuted claims by Chaguanas West MP Ganga Singh that a breach of the party’s constitution had occurred in the election being set before its constitutionally due date.

A letter dated October 27, sent to Singh, from the Freedom Law Chambers of former attorney general Anand Ramlogan noted that the UNC’s natex denies Singh’s allegation that there was an‘apparent and or intended breach of Article 18 or any other provision of the constitution of the UNC.

“You have based your claim/complaint on the wording of Article 18. This however is clearly a misconception on your part as Article 18 merely fixes the maximum term of office,” the letter stated.

The purport of Article 18, the letter signed by attorney Douglas Bayley, is to ensure the political leader remains in office for three years and other officers remain in office for two years. What is clear from that provision is that the said officers cannot be unceremoniously removed.

The letter also advised Singh that the UNC’s constitution, like the country’s Constitution provides for election before the expiry of the respective terms.


The letter cited Article 12 (iv) (r) which stated, the ‘National Executive shall meet at least once per month and quorum for such meeting shall be twelve (12) members; (r) propose to the National Congress for its approval the holding of elections for officers within it notwithstanding that their term has not expired otherwise than in cases of casual vacancy. A meeting of the party’s national congress is scheduled for today at the Shiva Boys Hindu College, Clark Road, Penal.


"UNC: Not so Mr Singh"

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