CoP interviews continue today

Stephen Williams
Stephen Williams

Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Irwin Hackshaw and former president of the Police Social and Welfare Association Anand Ramesar were interviewed yesterday by KPMG, the firm hired by the Police Service Commission to select a new commissioner of Police and two deputy commissioners.

Hackshaw was interviewed shortly before midday yesterday, while Ramesar was interviewed after 2 pm.

Anand Ramesar

On Monday, former minister of National Security Gary Griffith and Acting Commissioner of Police Stephen Williams were also interviewed by the same firm.

On Tuesday, ACP Harikrishen Baldeo and ACP Vincel Edwards were interviewed. Today Acting ACP Mc Donald Jacob is expected to be grilled by the same recruiting firm. Former police corporal Wayne “Watchman” Hayde will also face the interviewers today.


Wayne ‘Watchman’ Hayde

Hayde, who left the police service in 1990, is hoping to clinch the position from the other candidates.

Griffith did not apply for the deputy commissioner post and has his eye set on the post of Commissioner of Police. However, other officers who have been short-listed have applied for both posts.

Gary Griffith

Sources reveal that Acting ACP Earla Christopher is the lone female applicant who was also short-listed for the interview and is being considered a dark horse in the race.

Following the interviews next week, the same officers will face the panel of interviewers from the KPMG who will create a mock press conference and the candidates will be asked to answer questions posed to them.

Following those interviews names will be placed on a merit list and sent to Parliament for final approval.

The person who places first on the order of merit list may not necessarily be chosen if Government, which has the majority in Parliament, does not accept them. Chairman of the Police Service Commission Marie Therese Gomes is hoping to have the Commissioner and two Deputy Commissioners in office by year’s end.


"CoP interviews continue today"

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