Kamla’s snap UNC election questionable
THE EDITOR: As a citizen looking on at the political landscape there is much trouble brewing in the United National Congress (UNC). People are still looking for an honourable justification for a political leader calling an internal snap election, one year before it is due.
Snap elections cheat the electorate of the political and social contract they would have entered with their elected officials, whether internal or national. Therefore, the move by current political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar is seen as questionable and the expressions of discontent by UNC Members of Parliament and others are expected.
The timing initially suggested it could be a move to act while her biggest former challenger, Dr Roodal Moonilal, came under investigation with the recent “Textgate” allegations. However, he has since thrown his support in favour of the current political leader.
MPs Ganga Singh and Bhoe Tewarie have come out into the public domain questioning the snap election and opposing it. Singh went on record with a letter to the UNC executive giving it four days to reconsider or he will pursue other avenues.
Clearly these people were considering or even planning to offer themselves to serve in the UNC as political leader or in other executive capacities. This snap election that gives just about one month’s notice to members leaves interested parties shortchanged with time; in terms of their ability to successfully mount a significant campaign for leadership.
The country however needs a strong opposition to keep the Government in check. Persad-Bissessar in seeking a fresh mandate but must know that the timing is off. Additionally, although she won the last UNC internal election, she has not won a national election since 2010.
UNC members are saying it is not right to call a snap election now. The public is also looking on to see democracy at work and the election of a strong party executive and opposition to keep the Government in check.
"Kamla’s snap UNC election questionable"