Supermarket owner sorry for ‘halal’ pork

Anand Persad, owner of the Persad Supermarkets chain, has unreservedly apologised to the Muslim community for the halal pork sign posted on a food display case at his Point Fortin supermarket.

The sign infuriated Islamic clerics who saw it as an attack on the Muslim community since the eating of pork or drinking of alcohol is prohibited in Islam as haram, which means forbidden or a sin.

Persad denied any injury caused to the Muslim community was intentional and yesterday one of the critics, Maulana Dr Waffie Mohammed accepted that people make mistakes.

“It is unfortunate it could have happened and it could have been something outside of the reach or knowledge of Mr Persad. We just have to tolerate it as a mistake and carry on with our lives and hope such a thing is not repeated. These things happen, people make mistakes and if people are genuinely sorry, we must accept it” Dr Mohammed said.

Persad explained that a cut-and-paste error, committed by someone who is not knowledgeable about the teachings of Islam is what led to the offensive sign. He said the person removed the word beef and added pork to a previous sign which advertised halal beef.



"Supermarket owner sorry for ‘halal’ pork"

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