Kamla: Rowley woman talk disrespectful

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar, yesterday, said she was very disturbed by the utterances of Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley who, on Thursday, compared a golf course to a woman who required grooming every day.
Persad-Bissessar observed such statements contributed to the disrespect meted out to women and girls and called on the nation to reject any leadership that was so demeaning and disrespectful.
She was expected to address the issue at last night’s Divali Nagar celebration where she was the feature speaker.
On Friday night, Persad-Bissessar called on citizens to be the light to combat the level of violence sweeping the country when she presided over Divali celebrations at her constituency office organised by the Siparia Women’s organisation.
Underscoring the high crime rate, she expressed the wish that the light of the deyas would cause others to reflect and bring about changes for the better.
“As we witness the levels of violence being experienced at this time, let us all aspire to be the light this country needs. As we light our deyas, let us renew our hope and hopes of the nation, your hope, and our hope in our fellow man and your hope and our hope that better days are coming.” She reminded the audience, which included constituents, members of Parliament and senators, that the message of Divali was very important to the nation and every individual along with their families.
“Divali celebrations, as we all know, is victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance and hope over despair.
“We are at a time when we have to remember good will always be victorious and that hope and love will always strive.”
The Siparia MP said in spite of the hard and dark times and despair many felt, she believed that, with prayer, one would be able to overcome all that was bad and evil.
She told devotees at the prayerful celebration, mixed with cultural offerings of dance, singing and religious songs played on the pan, to have faith.
“As we stand in fellowship, look around at the people who will stand for you and with you. Remember we are our brother’s keepers, we are our sister’s keepers, we must remind ourselves that we are one community, we are one nation, we must ground each other in love and understanding and in compassion.”
"Kamla: Rowley woman talk disrespectful"